
Proud Distributor of Facility Equipment Waste Compactors, Trash Chutes, and Cardboard Balers

Recycling & Reduction Equipment

“GO to Company” for Facility Management & Equipment Distribution.  C-Tec’s is you company for all your waste reycling and reducton requirements. C-Tec’s Waste Equipment are designed and manufactured for your particular application and needs. Click here for a Free Quote or call 866-622-CTEC (2832).

Service & Repair

A dedicated service staff with the highest standards for field service support available 7 days a week 24 hours a day. Servicing waste reduction and recycling equipment nationally. For Facility Management and Equipment Distribution call 866-622-CTEC (2832) or visit our Service Request page to schedule a service call.

24 Hour Customer Service.

We’re there when you need us, offering free troubleshooting and answers to frequently asked questions 7 days a week 24 hours a day. Call Toll Free 866-622-CTEC (2832). Our technicians are there when you need us most and come fully equipped to handle most repairs on the spot. They carrry parts, welding and hydraulic hoses on their service trucks.

Extensive Warranty Programs

All of our equipment is covered under C-Tec’s standard warranty; one (1) year parts and labor, Two (2) and Three (3) year programs are available upon request.  Find out how to increase the life of your equipment and reduce necessary maintenance costs with C-Tec’s Preventative Maintenance Plans